Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dark Night of the "Blog"

As of late, words like "abomination" and "abominable" have been creeping into the "blog." These are harsh words! They are not positive! These are words of judgement and bile! They have no place in a "blog"! I wish I could blame it on the fact that I am still hunching over all the time, which I am, but this goes beyond posture. This goes to the nature of "blogging" itself! Also... all this talk about "the nature of 'blogging' itself" is unhealthy and sordid! Where are the lighthearted "posts" of days gone by? The "blog" is taking the rest of the day off to consider its future. An emergency meeting of the board of directors has been called. The fate of the "blog" hangs in the balance. The "blog" only has itself to blame. And yet I feel pity for the "blog." It got in over its head. It tried to be a "big shot" and tell everybody "what's what." And now it is paying the cost.