Saturday, June 28, 2008

James Whorton, Jr.'s C-Spandemonium!

Welcome once more to "James Whorton, Jr.'s C-Spandemonium!" - the part of the "blog" where we come together to share our reflections on the C-Span networks, named after the founder of "C-Spandemonium!" James Whorton, Jr. Just now I was watching C-Span 2 and a nice, mild, and extremely thoughtful gentleman was talking about the "perniciousness" of television. From some other things he said, I gathered that he might be a "liberal," like myself. It occurred to me that I have also heard conservatives on C-Span 2 talking about the perniciousness of television. Perhaps this is one of those "uniting" issues I have heard about. In all these cases, the liberals and conservatives in question were on television! Is the latter a reductive and simplistic observation? Almost certainly! Have you read a "blog" before? In today's example, the gentleman made an aside to the effect that if "all TV was C-Span, it would be okay." And he smirked ingratiatingly at Brian Lamb.