Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Movie Called Highball

I just thought of something to say about Peter Bogdanovich. He had a small role in a movie called HIGHBALL, which I got a big kick out of. (Out of which I got a big kick?) Anyway, I should warn you: HIGHBALL got me all hepped up and I tried to show it to some other people on a few successive evenings. I sat on the edge of my seat and grinned and kept looking over at the other person to make sure he or she was grinning too. At two such viewings, the other person fell asleep, rather than enjoying HIGHBALL properly. On a third occasion, a person said afterward, "I can see why you liked it." Only she said, with a hint of disdain, "I can see why YOU liked it." And it wasn't a hint of disdain. It was a big, open glob of it, almost like revenge for making her watch HIGHBALL. So maybe HIGHBALL is a movie you have to stumble on the way I did, with no expectations. And maybe I've gone ahead and ruined it for you.