Saturday, July 13, 2024

Sweet Thoughts of Hawkman

Been reading in some of these old comic books about Hawkman and Hawkgirl, and one thing I notice is how much they like birds. These comics are slightly before my comic-reading time, I think... the Hawkman I remember wasn't as into birds, in my recollection. But Hawkman and Hawkgirl, in the older comics, they are really into chilling with birds, just hanging out with birds and shooting the breeze. Because they can talk bird language! Hawgirl says, "SUMMON OUR BIRD-FRIENDS TO SHARE OUR FUN, DEAR!" And Hawkman goes, "GOOD IDEA! WHEET WHEEEEET" - a couple of panels later he is talking about his "FEATHERED FRIENDS." They sure do love birds. It's nice. Like I say, by the time I knew about Hawkman, he was all business. He wasn't kicking back with some bird buddies anymore. It's sad. In the same story, Hawkman marvels over the very idea of sandwiches, and expresses his astonishment that the advanced minds of his home planet Thanagar never came up with something as awesome as sandwiches. Truly this is the best version of Hawkman. Lover of birds, appreciator of sandwiches! Also, Hawkman and Hawkgirl can't keep their hands off each other!