Friday, December 01, 2006

Dear "Blog"

Our recent humble "bloggings" have garnered literally four responses! It's by far the most overwhelming thing we have ever experienced here at the "blog." And now, with our current intern shortage, we won't lie - it's a little hard to acknowledge all four letters individually. But we respect you, our "blog" readers, and we're going to do the best we can to respond to each and every communique. First, Barry B. writes in to note that the Jeep's diet consisted specifically of orchids. Speaking of diets, Jim Whorton was moved by our recent reflection (or "blog"flection, as I like to call it) on lunch boxes of days gone by. He recalls that in 1971 he enjoyed sandwiches of mustard and American cheese, AND sandwiches of butter and sugar, each sometimes carried in his first lunch box, which featured the Hair Bear Bunch (pictured). Meanwhile, the reliable Mr. McNeil reports a flabbergasting coincidence. Yesterday, BEFORE he had read my "blog," with its reference to The Comfortable Chair, he found himself standing at the stove, whipping up a batch of rice, and singing to himself, over and over, "a child walks in the garden"... the refrain, Mr. McNeil informs us, to a song by that very same band, The Comfortable Chair! And finally, the mysterious Ms. "M" chimes in to approve of our approval of THE WIRE. Thanks for writing, everybody! Sometimes I wonder if "blogging" really matters, then I remember the good folks out there.