You know
I don't "blog" anymore unless, say,
I read a book with an owl in it, but what am I supposed to do with this picture
Jimmy sent me? He was walking in
Brooklyn, USA, when he came upon a crèche with this toy
novelty owl sitting on the roof of it. He also shows the owl from another, closer angle which bolsters his claim that it has
three eyes, but I shan't affright you with that. Surely there is some terrifying occult significance we shouldn't think about. This reminds me of a
McNeil email from early November, in which he told me of walking his
dog at midnight. "I heard a loud noise in the air - similar to a cat's cry," McNeil wrote. "I shined my flashlight toward the heavens and heard it again!" It turned out to be "a giant owl resting on the peak of [McNeil's] neighbors' roof." I didn't tell you about it because
I wasn't "blogging" at the time and I'm still not "blogging."