As is well documented,
I don't "blog" anymore unless
I stumble across something I should have put in my cigarette lighter book but didn't know about in time. So!
Megan Abbott and I are reading a
Hollywood memoir by Shirley MacLaine, and she tells about how
Dean Martin "would light a cigarette with his solid gold lighter, blow out the flame, and toss the gold lighter from the window as if it was a used
match." So! This naturally reminded me of something I DID put in my cigarette lighter book: the time
Hal Needham maliciously tossed his friend's
gold cigarette lighter from the window of a speeding car as a joke. If only I had known about Dean's habit. What a study in contrasts Dino and Needham would have made! As MacLaine notes, someone always retrieved Dean's lighter for him, whereas (Shirley MacLaine does not note this part; how could she?) the lighter of Needham's friend was seemingly lost forever. So Needham's act is more
"punk rock" (
I guess?
Jon Langford once told me that
being "punk rock" does not necessarily call for unmannerly behavior) while Dean's is
ironic (maybe? I have no idea what I'm talking about. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't know about this in time to put it in the book). But I think we can agree that Dean is on firmer ground morally. I'm glad that's settled.