Friday, April 26, 2024


I never read the western-themed comic books as a kid. This is the kind of information you want from me! But let me get to the point. As you know, Tom Franklin brought me a bunch of old comic books while I was in the hospital, and then he brought me even more old comic books after I got home, and the western ones turned out to be among my favorites, because, among other reasons, they had the most owls in them - a longstanding and inexplicaple concern of the "blog," of course. Here's the update you've been craving: I bought even more old comic books for myself! One I especially like is called WEIRD WESTERN TALES. Often, the back pages of WEIRD WESTERN TALES will contain a story about a superhero I never heard of prior to the recent events elucidated above, the mysterious El Diablo. He's great! Anyhow, in one of these WEIRD WESTERN TALES of El Diablo here, there is a character named Wise Owl. He's not an owl, he's a guy! I don't read talking animal comics! I'm a 60-year-old-man! I only read comic books about magical cowboys.