Saturday, January 14, 2023

What a World

The other night, Dr. Theresa and I were watching the recent movie THE MENU, and I thought, hmm, there's something I need to "blog" about but I can't figure out what it is. So, last night, I arose from a slumberless bed and turned on the TV and THE MENU was playing again, and I saw the actor Nicholas Hoult cutting up some leeks. That's when I knew! ALMOST EXACTLY TEN YEARS AGO, I made a nonsensical joke about Nicholas Hoult washing some leeks! Now, it would have really been something had I made a nonsensical joke ten years ago about Nicholas Hoult cutting up some leeks, but no, I had him washing them. Also, "almost exactly ten years ago" may be an exaggeration. It was February 28, 2013, so is "almost exactly" the phrase I should have used? Today is January 14, and 14 is half of 28 if you're into thinking about things like that. What a world!