Wednesday, April 24, 2013
A Couple of Samuel Johnsons
Let me remind you again to go see and hear Melissa Ginsburg at Off Square Books today at 5 PM. I also want to tell you about a reading a week and a day from now: May 2. Ben Greenman is coming down from New York City to read from his new novel THE SLIPPAGE. I'm telling you so early because I am really and truly "flying out" to "the coast" to "act" in "something," and I may not be able to remind you about Ben's reading again in a timely fashion. BUT LISTEN! This is the truth: I am cutting my trip short and making special arrangements to come back to town in time to hear Ben read. So that should tell you something! Trust me, I know that readings are usually terrible. But Melissa and Ben are funny, witty, smart, sly, fascinating, and interesting - like a couple of li'l Samuel Johnsons, but nice! - and any time spent with them or their works is sure to repay you very pleasurably! This is my UNSOLICITED ENDORSEMENT of Ben Greenman and Melissa Ginsburg. YOU HAVE MY PERSONAL GUARANTEE. Melissa: TODAY. Ben: MAY 2. Five o'clock Central Time. Off Square Books. Okay! All right!