Sunday, April 21, 2013
Well What Do You Know!
Dudes! Come on! I have already startled and astonished you with the news that EVERY CHARLES PORTIS NOVEL HAS AN OWL IN IT. So now I am reading his play DELRAY'S NEW MOON, which is printed in a book called ESCAPE VELOCITY: A CHARLES PORTIS MISCELLANY, edited by Jay Jennings, and just heed this line of dialogue: "They say it's so dark in those woods that the owls fly in the daytime there, and the bats flit." And then Mr. Mingo replies, "And the nighthawk, with his fine white throat." I included that line just because I like it. But the main thing I am trying to tell you is that not only does every Charles Portis novel have an owl in it, every single Charles Portis BOOK of ANY KIND has an owl in it! This is a big day all right. Is there any liquor in the house?