Thursday, September 03, 2015

McNeil Is Sorry

McNeil is bummed out that Dean Jones died. Let me be accurate. He didn't say "bummed out." That doesn't sound like him. Hold on. "Sorry to see Dean Jones go" were his exact words. I just looked it up. I'm sure you're still thinking about the debate McNeil and I had nine years ago on the subject of Dean Jones vs. Jim Hutton. It's the unspoken subject everyone is thinking about! I guess all your sympathies will be with McNeil now that Dean Jones has just passed away, because McNeil happened to be on the pro-Dean Jones side of that debate. But in my defense, the late Jim Hutton has been dead for many, many years now. Well, I'm sorry about Dean Jones, too. Maybe I'm just as sorry as you are. Pictured, Dean Jones in THE MILLION DOLLAR DUCK.