Tuesday, May 07, 2024

The Belt of Dorian McNeil

McNeil has been following all the recent developments about my new belt with great interest. He was reminded, in fact, of certain details about his own belt, which I quote here in part: "I have this belt I wear every day. I bought it in Toronto in October 2004. It shows no signs of wearing out before the fall, so I feel comfortable saying it will last 20 years... On the inside of the belt, if that's what you call it, there was a sticker with a maple leaf on it. I guess to let everyone know who took off my pants that my belt was made in Canada. That sticker only began to fade after about 15 years, and now has completely disappeared. But the belt still looks brand new. It's like a magic belt. Or maybe as I get older, my belt gets younger." Obviously, the title I bestowed on this "post" only works if the picture had stayed young while Dorian Gray got older... which is how pictures work in real life, which wouldn't have made old Oscar much of a story. But "The McNeil of Dorian Belt" didn't sound right.