Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Wow. I see it has been 569 days since I last leaked one of McNeil's emails in everyone's favorite recurring "blog" feature "McNeilileaks." Let's get to it! (The next two similarly exhortative sentences are from McNeil's email, as is everything that follows.) "Alright. Here we go. You can read up on the massive catapult that shoots satellites into space - without the use of rocket fuel - on your own. I don't need to get into it here. The company is called SpinLaunch. My concern is that once you get this satellite gizmo wound up to 1,000 mph in your doodad box, what happens if it breaks through the wall and instead of going into space starts heading toward Kansas City? If it has enough 'momentum,' or whatever, to go 600 miles up into space - how far will it travel laterally if it escapes?"