Saturday, August 10, 2024

McNeil's Li'l Bogie Bit #7

I can hardly believe it's already time for another Li'l Bogie Bit! But I'll tell you: I just ended a job, and I've already gone over all the other reasons that I no longer say I've quit "blogging," even though most people don't even know what "blogging" is or was, including me. What was I saying? Oh, yes, McNeil sent another of his li'l bogie bits. I'll quote it directly from his virtual mouth! "Bogie had trouble crying on demand for a director, and his second wife, Mary, thought that odd because offscreen he cried at card tricks." One thing I love about our popular (with McNeil) recurring feature "McNeil's Li'l Bogie Bits" is the mystery. The things unsaid! But that's why they are bits and not... boulders. Like... what kind of card trick could make Humphrey Bogart cry? Sure, I can see you crying if someone pulled a coin out of your ear. "How'd that get in there? Waaah!" Or if you're worried about the welfare of a magician's pigeon as it is being stuffed into a lacquered box. But to weep at the sight of the three or clubs or whatever, even if you find it unexpectedly in your own pocket, well, I frankly find it excessive. Pull yourself together, Bogie! In conclusion, I hear some of you griping that I have given you TWO li'l bogie bits, one about Bogart not being able to cry on demand and another about him crying in his spare time. You are wrong. Those are interlocking parts of a single bogie bit. If you don't like it, go somewhere else for your bogie bits! I'm getting sick and tired of your constant complaining.