Saturday, February 24, 2007

Spectral Fur Conclusion

Did you hear that "blog" contributor Agent "M." has turned out to be a psychic? It's true! She has offered the following statement as irrefutable proof: "I said the other day that I thought we would see my old buddy J*** K*** at the Gillian Welch show, and there he was. That same day, as I was walking by this house I thought to myself, Why don't I ever see that yellow lab here anymore, and then all of a sudden, it came running towards me as if I had conjured it! I said the night before A**** N***** S**** died that I thought she would probably 'not last long' given her drug-like state, and then...well, she didn't! I have always felt that I had a 6th sense, but lately it has become stronger...waaahaaahaaa, says the mad scientist! J*** K***'s wife A****** says that I have 'The Secret'--do you know of this DVD and book? I may have to go out and get a copy!" Here Agent "M.'s" communique mysteriously breaks off! I have not cleared this with Agent "M.," but I believe I will start soliciting questions from you, the "blog" reading public, to pass along to her. Let Agent "M." advise you on matters of the heart! Let Agent "M." guide you through the murky future!