A lot of writers are coming to town this weekend for some sort of conference, and you know how writers are. They need to be catered to and pampered at every moment! So we will be wining and dining some of them and being wined and dined by others in turn. It's part of a complex ecosystem of mooching, without which you would not enjoy the paperbacks so readily available in airports across our great nation this very day! On a more distressing note, the daylight hours of this weekend will be full of work and toil for yours truly, as Kent Osborne is flying in so we can put the finishing touches on the first draft of our script. Heady times! And the good part, of course, is that I will get to hang out with Kent. But the "blogging" shall certainly suffer. Speaking of "blogging" dearths, I am sorry to see that The Absorbascon "blog," which I have only recently discovered, is shutting down for awhile. But you should still visit and explore its many mysteries. There is a lot about "blogging" I don't understand. I tried to figure out why exactly the Absorbascon is shutting down, but the "comments" didn't make much sense to me at all... much like the idea of "comments" itself. Don't we all get enough "comments" in our daily lives? Why would we like to encourage the practice? Well, in a salute to the hobbled Absorbascon, I will leave you with a picture I found on it, one which dovetails nicely with our new feature "Your Daily Future." Farewell for the nonce!