Sunday, March 27, 2011

Onion Party

I guess you're wondering why I didn't "blog" yesterday! It is probably all you think about! Well, lightning struck the night before last! I think it struck the house! Or at least the yard! It made the house shake! Dr. Theresa and I woke up screaming in terror! We sort of took turns screaming. We behaved like characters in a Coen Brothers movie! The lightning knocked a painting off the wall and broke the frame! It also killed part of our computer. Dr. Theresa had to drive out to Batesville to get the part! And now the computer is working again. Turned out only the power cord to the modem was really fried after all, maybe - I think this thing is called a modem. So don't worry! Though there was also enormous hail. But everything is okay now! You missed so much, though. Kent reminded me that HARDLY WORKING is a sad clown movie because it starts with Jerry Lewis sadly removing his clown makeup. That is just one thing you missed! Dr. Theresa and I left a party early. I guess after we were gone, Elizabeth ate a whole raw onion on a dare. Okay, I think that is all you missed.