Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's Funny Because I'm Ignorant

One of the classes I teach is held in the chemistry building. The flyers they stick on the bulletin board over there are kind of different. Like, today I saw one that said, "Using Collision-Induced-Dissociation Mass Spectrometry to Predict Solution-Phase Relative Affinities of Unidentate Ligands for a 19F-Labeled Pd(II) Pincer Cation - Refreshments served." Ha ha ha! It's funny because I'm ignorant. But then I swear I was in the history building and saw this flyer: "A Bleeding Llama at the Mouth of the Mine: Becoming a Historian - Free Pizza" and I was like, hey, that flyer would seem pretty crazy if you were from the chemistry department... because it IS crazy. Still, nothing says free pizza like a bleeding llama. It sure is an interesting world we live in and all! Goodbye.