You are familiar no doubt with my boundless affection for the sidebar of one Maud Newton. Well, I'm on there today, so that's exciting! Right now I'm fourth from the top, but new material accumulates at a goodly clip (which is just one of the great things about Maud Newton's sidebar), so I may be gone tomorrow. Or sooner! Speaking of Ms. Newton, she placed me into some sort of recipe chain letter or pyramid scheme in which one emails a recipe to another person - and the letter itself to 20 friends - and somehow begins to receive many, many delicious recipes from strangers all over the world, in theory. But there's a bug in the system! Ms. Newton put both Laura Lippman and myself on her list, and Laura and I put each other on each list of our own, producing a recipe vortex or wormhole or something and if my math is correct, I am now required to send the original email to an infinite number of people.