Hey, remember when Kent and I worked on that movie that never got made? Well, because of that I had to join the WGA, and because of THAT I now get home screeners of big-time Hollywood movies every year. One of them this year was UP IN THE AIR. Theresa and I were just watching it. One character wanted a barbecue recommendation in Atlanta and another character said, "Fat Matt's." Well, Theresa and I looked at one another all of a sudden with wide eyes, because it was a weirdly accurate movie reference! Most movie references are not accurate, weirdly or otherwise. In fact, I have never before seen an accurate reference to anything in a movie. But Fat Matt's is actually a good suggestion. Barry B. and I used to eat there for lunch all the time in our kids' show days. Mostly for lunch we would skip the barbecue and go for the fried chicken at their annex next door, Fat Matt's Chicken Shack. Another good barbecue place was Daddy D'z. Caroline and I would eat lunch there and walk around the adjacent cemetery. Some things, I miss!