Thursday, April 26, 2007

Dr. "M.'s" TV Korner: Tom Franklin, DO NOT READ

Well, this is a "blog" first: two TV Korners in a row! Before we turn things over to Dr. "M.," we must beg Tom Franklin not to read this "post." On our recent drive to Arkansas with Mr. Franklin, we discovered that he is just now finishing up the first season of LOST on DVD. We state right now that to read the details of last night's episode may harm him irreparably and take away his sense of childish wonder. With that, we give you Dr. "M.": "Well, last night's LOST allowed us yet another look into the complicated dichotomy of good and evil. I hold fast to my belief in Juliette's general goodness. Yes, she can be a tad saccharine sweet at times--to the point that you don't trust that endearing smile. However, I think she really wants to help the island's ************ challenged (and **************) women. BUT she ain't gonna let anyone stand in her way of getting back to her sister, thus explaining her complicity in Ben's maniacal shenanigans. And I don't mean the bar of the same name that ******* and I recently saw in Edwardsville, IL, or the bar of the same name that was once a prominent watering hole on DAYS OF OUR LIVES."