Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Quips 'n' Clips

"Great choice on the movie clip from Road to Hong Kong," writes McNeil, "but I have to disagree with your opinion of Road to Singapore. I think the duo is fresh and, in a sense, 'raw' (though that may not be the right word for it) and you really get a sense of their freewheeling spirit because of it. I think in the later movies, you might get a sense of that spirit despite the constraints of a formula they (producers, directors, etc) feel the need to stick to. It's true [Bob and Bing] improvise [in the later films], but they improvise in Singapore, too, and it seems more organic. Of course, maybe you think it's funnier when it's obviously not organic, as in the later pictures." McNeil adds, via phone message, "Quit 'blogging' about Ornette Coleman and Charles Ives. Nobody knows what you're talking about, except maybe Phil." Got it, McNeil. No more Ornette Coleman. The kids would rather dig on Bing Crosby. This one's for you, kids! Get ready to relate... McNeil style! But hold onto your hats, because it gets pretty wild.