Monday, August 13, 2007

Klugman & Other Delights

"I was searching for Jack Klugman on YouTube," began yesterday's telephone call from McNeil. Ah, McNeil! Somehow, McNeil explained, he ran across this "clip" from HIGH ROLLERS, which has nothing to do with Klugman. You could say that a lot more happens in the ROLLERS segment than happened on the "clip" of APPLE'S WAY with which McNeil previously favored us. Still, the "clip" makes McNeil wonder. Who saved it for all these years? How did they record it in '77 or '78, when VCRs were not readily available (close analysis has led McNeil to the conclusion that the "clip" was made at the time of its original airing, not taken from a present-day showing on the Game Show Network)? Finally, why has it been the object of well over 19,000 viewings? Even more fascinating to McNeil is a YouTube PASSWORD appearance by Jack Klugman in which nothing happens at all (see APPLE'S WAY, above).