Friday, September 07, 2007

Barry B.'s Bookmobile

Here's an email from Barry B. "Hey Y'all, My book on Mario Bava by Tim Lucas just arrived. I'm not opening it til tonight. I'm pretty excited. It weighs 12 pounds..." (Ellipses his, indicating sublime anticipation.) Now why should there be a twelve-pound book about Mario Bava? Check out Tim Lucas's "web" site for all the answers. The press release gives a pretty fascinating account of a book that was 32 YEARS IN THE MAKING! The words of Douglas Sirk bear repeating, we think. This reminds Theresa and me of the New Year's Day we celebrated by watching Bava's PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES with Barry B. over a plate of collard greens, cornbread, and black-eye peas. Happy times!