No, it was truly big, Dear Bird Correspondent. A lost raven, perhaps? You know, like in Poe? I mean, it was BIG! Bigger than a normal crow. And yes, I know what a vulture looks like. I would wager that anyone from Alabama can point to a vulture with some amount of certainty. But here is an astounding coincidence of the kind we so enjoy at the "blog": At the same time that I received your question about a vulture, I received a question from McNeil TO you, about a buzzard. Is a buzzard the same as a vulture? Because in Alabama, we say buzzard. So really I should qualify my former remark. Anyhow, I will turn it over to McNeil, who has what he calls a "grudging" question... but I think we can all tell that he has overcome his former antagonism toward your important work. It's his way of being sweet! Here, then, McNeil's question: "I live in a suburban neighborhood and saw a buzzard perched on a neighbor's roof - a prominent section just over their garage. It looked pretty ominous. These neighbors have been giving me and several others on the block some degree of consternation. I would like to know if buzzards possess some sort of psychic ability. In other words, is the buzzard telling me that I am right and they are wrong and that the neighbors will soon 'get it'?"
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
The Bird Correspondent Marathon Continues
No, it was truly big, Dear Bird Correspondent. A lost raven, perhaps? You know, like in Poe? I mean, it was BIG! Bigger than a normal crow. And yes, I know what a vulture looks like. I would wager that anyone from Alabama can point to a vulture with some amount of certainty. But here is an astounding coincidence of the kind we so enjoy at the "blog": At the same time that I received your question about a vulture, I received a question from McNeil TO you, about a buzzard. Is a buzzard the same as a vulture? Because in Alabama, we say buzzard. So really I should qualify my former remark. Anyhow, I will turn it over to McNeil, who has what he calls a "grudging" question... but I think we can all tell that he has overcome his former antagonism toward your important work. It's his way of being sweet! Here, then, McNeil's question: "I live in a suburban neighborhood and saw a buzzard perched on a neighbor's roof - a prominent section just over their garage. It looked pretty ominous. These neighbors have been giving me and several others on the block some degree of consternation. I would like to know if buzzards possess some sort of psychic ability. In other words, is the buzzard telling me that I am right and they are wrong and that the neighbors will soon 'get it'?"