Be sure to visit Square Books for your tickets to the Lafayette Literacy Council charity ball, coming up Saturday night. Free food and a cash bar! Best of all, it benefits Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, a great early literacy program straight from the mind of the eponymous Dolly Parton. Our good friend Joey has been busy organizing an auction for the event: you can bid on people's original drawings of their favorite literary characters. Tina Fey did one of Miss Havisham. I did a drawing, too. Blue Sharpie, very la-di-da. And I know there is a wide range of other contributors filling in the enormous desirability gap between Tina Fey and me. I portray a scene from WAITING FOR GODOT by Samuel Beckett. Vladimir is standing there with his hand on his hip, like "Where's Godot?" Estragon is sitting on rock. Theresa says it looks like he might be leaning on the rock, maybe. Joey says it looks like he laid an egg. You be the judge! There are stars coming out of Estragon's foot, indicating that he has a pain in his foot. For extra irony, I drew it on a gift box from Kohl's department store and left the Kohl's motto visible: "expect great things." Ha ha ha! Get it? Look, you'll never be able to afford Tina Fey's picture of Miss Havisham, but you've got a pretty good shot at mine. Go for it! Because it is a ball we are talking about, there will be dukes and kings and such. And guess what? Tom Franklin is one of the dukes! I'm not sure if they will force him to dress up like a duke, but you should go just for that, yes, just in case they do.