Today's randomly chosen illustration proves not to seem random at all! Allow me to explain, for I can see that you are aquiver with curiosity. If I am reading the schedule correctly, I note that Shawn Levy, author of KING OF COMEDY: THE LIFE AND ART OF JERRY LEWIS will soon be a guest on our local Thacker Mountain radio program. Though it has since been easily superseded in both personal empathy and aesthetic insight by the Fujiwara monograph, Levy's book remains pivotal for me, full of useful information and analysis. It was the first large work I read about Mr. Lewis, and as such it has tons of sentimental value. So part of me would like to go get my copy signed. But another part of me is afraid! I have read Mr. Levy's essay in the scholarly compendium ENFANT TERRIBLE! JERRY LEWIS IN AMERICAN FILM, in which he expresses his opinion of people who enjoyed his book too much, the "kooks, cultists, and scholars." He writes, "Strange - and some deeply strange - people call or write to share their passions; thanks to Jerry, indirectly, I will never again have my home number listed in the phone book." So as you can imagine, I am reluctant to be seen standing in line, slavering and clutching the book to my bosom like a maniac.