Sunday, August 24, 2008

"Blog" Pals!

My ex-boss Lisa and "blog" fan (???!!!???) James Sepsey have become "pen pals" thanks to the "blog." It seems that Mr. Sepsey grew up enjoying "The Family Film Festival" program on which Lisa worked in the days of yore. Host "Tom Hatten was one of the first 'movie experts' to provide commentary during a film," recalled Sepsey in an email message that was forwarded, by request, to Lisa. "He usually gave his keen insights from a chair just before turning the switch on an actual film projector. (Can you ask your ex-boss Lisa if that is how KTLA actually broadcast the films--with an old projector!)" Lisa was able to confirm personally to Mr. Sepsey that the theme song to "The Family Film Festival" was "Reminiscing" by the Little River Band.