Just when I thought the THEY GOT ME COVERED book club was a total bust, here's a somewhat astounding message of "Hope" from my ex-boss Lisa: "I should respectfully like to apply for membership in the above club. I offer as prerequisite a picture of MY copy of 'They Got Me Covered' which, as you see, is actually autographed by Mr. Bob Hope himself. This was procured when Bob was a guest on KTLA's Family Film Festival, a hosted movie program in L.A., when Bob was a guest. I think we ran 'Road to Utopia' that day. I was in Programming and we used to get a lot of old movie stars to come on and talk with our host Tom Haten. The show ran in the early and mid-80s, when these guys and gals were still alive. I've had this copy for a LONG time, obviously! Hoping to gain membership to this exclusive book club! I am sure your mailboxes will be full with applications! Thank you, gentlemen! Oh, I loved that page from the 'Road to Utopia' script. Definitely one of my favorite Road movies! Hilarious and insane, and Robert Benchley, too!"