It's official! The __________ Book Club has grown by one member: Scott Phillips, who wrote the novel THE ICE HARVEST, which was made into a film starring "blog" fave Oliver Platt (pictured). I wanted to call this "post" "The Platt Harvest" but couldn't think of a real justification for doing so. Speaking of titles, in the intro to our book club selection, THE JOKER IS WILD: THE STORY OF JOE E. LEWIS, we learn that Joe E. Lewis lobbied for the title THE WORMS ARE WAITING AND LAUGHING. So we know he wasn't great at titles, that's one thing we know about Joe E. Lewis. But I can say no more! The book club convenes after all members have read exactly 1/2 of the book, and it wouldn't be fair for me to start giving my two cents before everyone else.