I should remind everyone that it is almost time for the second annual Christmas Panto at the fabulous Hideout Bar in Chicago. Once again I have been entrusted with Act 2, Scene 2. I sent it off and so far... silence. Ominous silence. The production will once again be under the direction of Sally Timms. It will again star Jon Langford as the "panto dame" and Kelly Hogan as the villain - this time, Hogan the Horrible. That's right, our new theme is Vikings (and daleks). I am sad to admit that I did not know what a dalek was. Langford was obliged to call me on the telephone and explain. I think I have it now. They're robots (I think) from the TV show DR. WHO. (The woman who runs our "fave" Aquaman "blog" will be very upset to discover that I didn't know what a dalek was. She "blogs" about Dr. Who all the time!) So if you like Vikings and daleks, get yourself out to see the big show, running from Dec. 20-22. If you would like to see Sally Timms singing with the steel guitar virtuoso Jon Rauhouse, go to my myspace page. She is in the music section, just under Laurel & Hardy and right above Thelonious Monk.