Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mom's Movie Boyfriend

Mom is sad that Tony Curtis died. "He was my movie boyfriend," she just said in a telephone conversation. In other words, he was her first movie star crush. I think it was TRAPEZE that did it, though we didn't discuss those particulars just now. "I can't believe he was 85," she said. "He should have always been 23." I thought that was nice. But then she said, "When I saw him interviewed in later years, he didn't seem like he had much sense." Still, she has a vague memory that he may have gone on a game show in the 50s and donated his winnings to the "Helping Hand Club" of Anniston, Alabama, her hometown, so her reflections ended on a positive note. She said she's going to look through a box of old papers and see if she can confirm that game show story. A box of old papers! That's what we did before Google, kids. Our Google was a box of old papers.