A lucky "Blog" Buddy has put in a request for THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES just in the nick of time! Only three titles remain up for grabs in our special giveaway. I'm shocked that FOOTLIGHT PARADE still molders on the shelf. It has Dick Powell in it, people! Dick Powell! And allow me to quote from the video box: "[T]he classic 'Human Waterfall' number... displays countless beautiful chorus girls costumed in little more than ropes of pearls and showered in a mist from from 300 tiny water sprays!" End of quote. Exclamation point theirs.
Monday, July 16, 2007
And Then There Were Three...
A lucky "Blog" Buddy has put in a request for THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES just in the nick of time! Only three titles remain up for grabs in our special giveaway. I'm shocked that FOOTLIGHT PARADE still molders on the shelf. It has Dick Powell in it, people! Dick Powell! And allow me to quote from the video box: "[T]he classic 'Human Waterfall' number... displays countless beautiful chorus girls costumed in little more than ropes of pearls and showered in a mist from from 300 tiny water sprays!" End of quote. Exclamation point theirs.