Last walk to the bank. Last Atlanta haircut. No one cares, Pendarvis! But WHY did I get my hair cut? Because I'm having lunch with Robert Osborne on Monday, that's why, under the auspices of my special "myspace" friend Shana. I take back all the hateful things I've ever said about "myspace." Meanwhile on Monday, Theresa will be taking the cats to the vet for a last check-up and some sedatives for the trip. It hardly seems a fair division of duties! Speaking of my physical and moral slovenliness, on the way back home from the haircut I bought six books at a yard sale. You're moving, dummy! But they were fifty cents apiece, okay? Hey, who else is depressed that there are no "cent" signs on these newfangledy keyboards these kids have these days? PS: The marinated chicken subs are back. I just ordered my very last one. It's on its way right now. Lasts! Who cares?
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Last walk to the bank. Last Atlanta haircut. No one cares, Pendarvis! But WHY did I get my hair cut? Because I'm having lunch with Robert Osborne on Monday, that's why, under the auspices of my special "myspace" friend Shana. I take back all the hateful things I've ever said about "myspace." Meanwhile on Monday, Theresa will be taking the cats to the vet for a last check-up and some sedatives for the trip. It hardly seems a fair division of duties! Speaking of my physical and moral slovenliness, on the way back home from the haircut I bought six books at a yard sale. You're moving, dummy! But they were fifty cents apiece, okay? Hey, who else is depressed that there are no "cent" signs on these newfangledy keyboards these kids have these days? PS: The marinated chicken subs are back. I just ordered my very last one. It's on its way right now. Lasts! Who cares?