McNeil reports that there IS an ampersand in the title of the Jerry Lewis film HOOK, LINE & SINKER, which we are overjoyed to hear because we love ampersands. A movie with the same title, sans ampersand, was made about 40 years earlier and starred the comedy team of Wheeler & Woolsey, according to McNeil. Hope this clears everything up! (Pictured, Wheeler & Woolsey, because I really want to capture the youth market.)
Thursday, October 04, 2007
McNeil reports that there IS an ampersand in the title of the Jerry Lewis film HOOK, LINE & SINKER, which we are overjoyed to hear because we love ampersands. A movie with the same title, sans ampersand, was made about 40 years earlier and starred the comedy team of Wheeler & Woolsey, according to McNeil. Hope this clears everything up! (Pictured, Wheeler & Woolsey, because I really want to capture the youth market.)