Monday, October 29, 2007
Last night, on the way home from the feast, I saw a young deer in someone's yard. At first I thought it was one of those lawn ornaments, it was so still and alert, but then it sprang away. When we got home, this email from McNeil was waiting, in response to Theresa's recent deer sighting: "My parents live inside the city limits of Charlotte, and wake up every morning to at least 3 deer (sometimes as many as six or seven according to my dad). I can send you pics if you'd like and call it McNeil's Gold Medal International Emergency Exit Creatures." My mind wandered back to the time we saw all those wild turkeys, and the subsequent communications of Mr. Ward and McNeil on the subject. (By the way, there was a roasted wild turkey on the menu last night.) This is what a "blog" is, everybody! Get used to it.