HIPSTER HEGEMONY, the nonexistent scholarly tome/oversized coffee table book that McNeil and I plan to get around to writing one day, is back on the radar! First, an email from Phil Oppenheim yesterday, placing an advance order for two (2) copies. I told Phil that if he writes the foreword, he can have two (2) copies for free. He said yes! So I guess it's a go. Later that day, DJ Gnosis came into town for a visit (along with Shana, I'm happy to report). He's the man who came up with the title HIPSTER HEGEMONY to begin with. DJ Gnosis saw a DVD of I'LL TAKE SWEDEN lying on the coffee table here and proclaimed, "We're watching that tomorrow night." And somehow, with his smooth DJ charm, he talked Theresa and Shana into agreeing. Yes, all the wheels are turning. So you publishers out there scanning the "internet" for the next big idea, I just want to remind you that HIPSTER HEGEMONY is about "the way that 'subversive' culture was absorbed and repackaged by mainstream comedies of the 60s." But don't worry! Our scholarly musings will not frighten the reading public! In point of fact, McNeil and I plan on writing as little as possible. We are always coming up with exciting new ways to take up more pages with less text. Mostly the book will be glossy pictures of attractive movie stars standing on brightly colored carpet. Call my agent and let's get this ball rolling. (Pictured, shag carpet.)