A nice person from "The L Magazine" interviewed me and now the interview is on the "internet." The questions were very good. The answers... well, I look at them and think, "Really?" I may have hit my head on something moments before replying. As I am trying to be less pushy about AWESOME than I have been about other books in the past, I planned to let the interview, as fine a job as the interviewer did, pass without mention. But I do wish to bring up two incidental things, NOT designed to trick you into buying my book. For a change! Rather, they point you, I hope, to the good work of others. To that end, I was very happy that the interviewer "linked" in the body of the interview to a "web" site dedicated entirely to my old heroes the Metal Men. I didn't know it existed! "Click" here to be transported into the metallic world of the Metal Men. Also, as there is no photo credit, I wanted to mention that the "author photo" accompanying the article (reproduced to the right side of this "post") was taken, like my others, by Charles G. Steffen. And yes, that's the fabled attic of yore.