Our regular "Oatmeal Tips" feature is inspiring today's modern youth to reexamine their relationship with oatmeal. Case in point: one Jordan Gower of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who credits "Oatmeal Tips" with his recent decision to eat oatmeal when he noticed he was out of eggs. Jordan's version? "Brown sugar, a little bit of cinnamon and sliced apples (my favorite 'instant' kind was always Apples & Cinnamon, despite the chewy, freeze-dried apples)." That's the spirit, Jordan! You've retained the nostalgia you feel for the deadly instant oatmeal of your childhood but you've made healthy choices... what we at "Oatmeal Tips" like to call "oatmeal choices." As it says in the Bible, "When I became a man I put away my childish things." And nice use of the ampersand, incidentally. Way to go! "Oatmeal Tips" salutes you. How has oatmeal (or "Oatmeal Tips") changed YOUR life? Let us know at "Oatmeal Tips" c/o "Writer" Oxford, MS 38655.