Foodstuffs! That's a weird word. It looks like a typo. Like it should be two words, first of all. And you shouldn't be allowed to put an "s" on it. But it is a real word for real people. And I just decided it is the name of our newest regular feature here on the "blog." This "post" or that one could have been our inaugural edition of "Foodstuffs!" but neither was. This one is. Because I just saw a picture of "Blog" Buddy John Currence on the White House lawn. How did he get there? NOBODY KNOWS! And he has not been seen since. Ha ha! I am pulling your leg. He was there just the other day because the First Lady asked him to cook some stuff from the White House garden. John complains (jokingly, MAYBE!) that the cilantro in the White House garden has "gone to seed." If this is true, it is a national scandal and we vow to stay on top of it until we have the answers. In other "Foodstuffs!" news, I saw John T. Edge judging people on last night's showing of IRON CHEF AMERICA, whereon he proclaimed, "Funk is good." It is a worthy standard for food and for life.