Welcome once again to "Sizzling Celebrity Gossip," your one place on the "internet" for sizzling celebrity gossip. ITEM! Which "blogger" has been recently linked in print with Hollywood femmes fatales Sharon Stone and Rose McGowan? Readers, I must recuse myself due to a conflict of interest. For you see, that humble "blogger" is me. The new issues of both THE BELIEVER and THE OXFORD AMERICAN hit the newsstands today. I have columns in both of those fine publications. As has been previously mentioned here, Sharon Stone wrote an article in the new OA. Mine has not come in the mail yet, but I had a glimpse of my neighbor John T. Edge's copy, and based on the accompanying photo, I believe Ms. Stone's article is about a dead deer. Meanwhile, in the new BELIEVER, Rose McGowan has taken over the advice column for this month! What is going on in the world of magazine publishing? Something awesome. Neither Ms. Stone nor Ms. McGowan could be reached for comment.