I won't lie to you, my reading of CHRISTIANITY: THE FIRST THREE THOUSAND YEARS by Diarmaid MacCulloch is slowing down a little bit because I spend all my time now thinking about the 1982 Al Pacino vehicle AUTHOR! AUTHOR! Just look at this supplemental material from "Blog" Buddy Mr. Ward, who reports, "I was going to NYU while they were shooting 'Author! Author!' in the area. One day I watched for 2 hours as they filmed Al walking up to a building and fixing his hair in the window's reflection. I stayed for 12 takes then got bored. Al seemed really agitated or maybe he was just 'in character.'" Thanks, Mr. Ward! In conclusion, sorry for the piece of velcro or whatever it is partially obscuring Dyan Cannon. Turns out there are not a lot of images from AUTHOR! AUTHOR! to choose from on the "internet."