People of Wisconsin! I am about to go read something for the Wisconsin Public Radio. I will let you know when they broadcast it. I don't have to go all the way to Wisconsin to do it thanks to our modern advances. But I will be there in spirit! (Pictured, the state seal of Wisconsin, I think. Is that a cat floating over the top of it? What's that all about? Tell me more! Wisconsin, you intrigue me. Did I ever tell you that I have been to the clown hall of fame in Delavan, Wisconsin? It's true! There was a clown graveyard close by, I am not lying. Well, I am exaggerating. There was a circus graveyard. But I believe the clowns were buried in a special section. My friend from Hubcap City was with me and remarked, "Don't bury me next to the clowns! I'm an aerialist!")