Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Holiday "Sale-a-thon" Declared a Rousing Success

I went over and checked on the monstrous pile of books that was, as longtime "blog" readers know, causing so much trouble. I am pleased to say that thanks to the efforts of those who were willing to work for the good of the "blog," the inventory has been significantly reduced... by one quarter, in fact. That's right, it seems as if two copies of my book sold over the holiday season, leaving six remaining on the shelf. Now let's see if we can get out there and take care of five more (we need to leave one behind, because it looks good sitting there, and I think we'd all be sad to walk in and see an empty spot, like Tiny Tim's chair in the "Christmas future" section of the Dickens classic). No pressure! Let's give ourselves to St. Patrick's day to get this thing done. But don't forget! First you need to exhaust the supply at your local independent bookseller. He or she works hard for you!