Welcome once again to "Arts, Briefly," our occasional feature with the title we stole from the New York Times. It has been over a year since the last "Arts, Briefly." But finally someone has done some art. Everyone in Chicago should hurry over to the Chicago Tourism Center to see THE EXQUISITE CITY. It's a whole city made out of cardboard! There's an opening reception Friday night for the 70 artists who helped build THE EXQUISITE CITY. One of them, who also happens to be the curator of the show, is friend of the "blog" Kathleen Judge. Stop by, and tell 'em "Bloggy" the "Blog" Mascot sent you. In other arts news, a graduate student (not the one who doubts McNeil's existence) sent us a "link" to an interview with Charles Portis. Charles Portis rarely gives interviews, so you better read this one. You probably won't find another. "Click" here. "He once broke a man's arm in an arm-wrestling match," notes the graduate student. PS I have decided that this mime represents art.