After confessing/declaring the "blog's" true interests yesterday (Jerry Lewis, monkeys, and UFOs), I decided to use the magic of "Google" to see how often this noble triptych had been gathered elsewhere on the "internet." My "googling" brought me directly to an apparent newspaper profile ("cute" and condescending) of Don Keating, president of the Eastern Ohio Bigfoot Conference. I immediately grasped how such an article might include monkeys and UFOs, but I had to read carefully to discover the Jerry Lewis reference, which came in a description of one "Marc Dewerth, 31, a Jerry Lewis look-alike who once glimpsed Bigfoot from 75 yards away. 'He was trying to intimidate the **** out of me,' recalls Marc." Now, have you ever noticed how many times the "blog" claims to encounter a significant coincidence? If not, "click" here, or here, or here, or here, for starters. But here's the thing. Last month, completely at random, I happened to include the program for Mr. Keating's Annual Bigfoot Conference in Newcomerstown, Ohio, on the 2008 "Blog" Advent Calendar. Crazy!