Phil has sent what I might rightly call a "trove" of "links" relating to oatmeal, a recent subject of conversation. I'll share a few. In an interview with the "blog," Phil - speaking on the topic of oatmeal - confesses to liking "all of it, prestigious to plebian... Pre-marriage, when I didn't care about calories or blood sugar issues," Phil continues, "my favorite was the multi-hued kind with 'dinosaur eggs.'" Dinosaur eggs??? the interviewer exclaimed. Tell us more! he enthused. Phil obliged with this "link" to one consumer's experience with Quaker's special oatmeal in which tiny dinosaurs hatch from eggs with the addition of hot water. Adds Phil in a postscript, "The Quaker Company is strangely quiet on this subject. Nice to see Quisp makes their homepage, though." Phil goes on to lament the absence of the Quangaroo (an old acquaintance of Quisp's) from the Quaker "web" site. (Pictured, the Orange Quangaroo, not to be confused with Le Kangourou. As I recall, my mother - normally an extraordinarily easygoing type when it came to breakfast cereals - held the very idea of Orange Quangaroos in bitter disregard. Speaking of disgust and breakfast, while searching for a representation of the Quangaroo, I came across this image [below] for a cereal I tried once as a child, a cereal that even then it made me sick just to look at. It turned the milk into something that resembled medicine. I hate to "go negative," but I do seem to recall my gag reflex coming into play, forgive my crassness at mentioning such a thing.)