Allow me to quote from the famous newspaper to the stars, VARIETY: "Magnolia Pictures won a heated bidding war for worldwide rights to Lynn Shelton's bromantic comedy, Humpday... Six companies vied for the fest hit, which had audiences rolling with laughter." Yes, that is none other than much beloved and deserving "Blog" Buddy Lynn Shelton, who has struck Sundance gold. With my clever ellipsis I have left out the details of the plot, which are "racy" by "blog" standards! If you are titillated, you may "click" on the entire article. I know you are! Titillated, I mean. Hooray for Lynn Shelton! Now I feel terrible for refusing to play "internet" Scrabble with her. If only I'd known! (Pictured, Lynn Shelton. Take a good look! You'll be seeing this face all over.)