Dr. "M." writes to say that she "no longer uses the phrase 'apples and oranges' to describe similar yet dissimilar notions but instead uses the phrase 'zombies and unicorns.' The phrase may already be widely accepted by some, especially those in the fantasy and sci fi realms," Dr. "M." explains, as she picked it up from a colleague who writes and teaches fantasy fiction. "I thought you would appreciate that given your interest in unicorns," she concludes. And our dynamic "moth story" reminded her that she has been listening to a "podcast" called "The Moth." She elaborates: "Check it out. We listened to one last night that had me crying I was laughing so hard." ("The Moth" is a New York-based storytelling series, it seems, which reminds me to tell you parenthetically that Amanda Stern's Happy Ending Reading and Music Series has moved to Joe's Pub, which, if memory serves, is where Woody Allen goes or used to go to play clarinet. Wednesday night is the first show in the new location, and it features acclaimed novelist Richard Price, so if you're in the area, go help Amanda ring in the new year and the rebirth of Happy Ending.) Finally, Dr. "M." reports that she is reading and enjoying a novel called BEET by Roger Rosenblatt. So if you want to be like Dr. "M." - and trust me, you do - SAY "zombies and unicorns," READ Rosenblatt, LISTEN TO "The Moth." This long-awaited missive from Dr. "M." also gives me the happy opportunity to present yesterday's postponed picture of Killer Moth. Goodbye! Now I'm tired from making "links." I believe I'll lie down with a cool cloth on my forehead. I fear I may succumb to the vapors.